Rainouts: 402-697-7756

Slow Pitch Softball for Players aged 50+

Check back often for updates

NSS Awards and Recognition Banquet


The annual league banquet is scheduled for Friday, November 8th, 2024. This is open to all MW, Tue, and Fri leagues' players. Click on the image or header to learn more.

Outgoing and outstanding League Secretary


Kathleen DuVall has been the League Secretary for the past many years, but is reluctantly stepping down. Please thank her for her service. She attends most Brewers games and can be found doting on her granddaughter, usually feeding her popcorn. Our new Commissioner is seeking applications for this position.

NSS annual elections


Thank you everyone for voting in the 2024 league elections. The results are tallied and the winners are known. Please thank the outgoing members: Rick Duvall (Commissioner), Roger Clapper (Director of Field Operations), and Bob Dalziel (Director of Finance). Please welcome the newest board members: Mike Marlow (moving from Director of Player Personnel to Commissioner), Doyle Ollis, Augie Roper, and Jim Price. Mike will be working with each of them to assign them responsibilities. Please click on the image or header to see more about all those who ran for the board.