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Home » Continuity » Communications » Event Registration

Golf and banquet events work the same way:

  1. An NSS page describing the events is updated. This page has links to a form (to register) and a button (to pay). Anyone with WordPress access can update this page.
  2. The form is built on a separate website. The form requires special access to a form building website (such as formsite). On the form building website, the builder can configure where completed forms are sent. I.E. who gets an email when a form is completed.
  3. The PayPal “Pay Now” button has to be created through the NSS PayPal account. This has usually been done by the NSS Website Administrator with approval from the NSS Director of Finance.

So the update process is basically:

  1. A board member (probably the Director of Communications director or an appointee) updates the event page to reflect new information.
  2. The director of finance directs the website admin to create a new button with the latest prices. The new PayPal button is inserted into the event page.
  3. A board member (or an appointee) insures that the form still works and the correct person will receive registrations.